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Data Analytics

Welcome to the world of data analytics, where insights are unlocked, patterns are discovered, and decisions are empowered by data-driven intelligence. Our data analytics courses are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the vast landscape of data and extract meaningful insights that drive business success.

Data Analytics Syllabus

  • Overview of Data Analytics
    • Importance and Applications
    • Data Analytics Process
  • Tools and Technologies
    • Setting Up Development Environment
    • Version Control with Git and GitHub

1. Introduction to Python

  • Basics: High-level, interpreted language.
  • Data Types: Integers, Floats, Strings, Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries.
  • Variables: Assignment and naming conventions.
  • Operators: Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical, Assignment.
  • Input/Output: input() for input, print() for output.

2. Conditional Statements

  • If-Else: if, elif, else for decision-making.

3. Loops

  • While: Repeats while a condition is true.
  • For: Iterates over sequences (lists, strings).
  • Nested Loops: Loops inside loops.

4. Collections

  • List: Ordered, mutable.
  • Tuple: Ordered, immutable.
  • Set: Unordered, unique.
  • Dictionary: Key-value pairs.

5. Functions

  • Basics: def to define functions, return to return values.
  • Lambda: Anonymous functions.
  • Built-ins: map(), filter(), reduce(), zip().

6. OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)

  • Class & Objects: Class defines objects with attributes/methods.
  • Inheritance: Extending classes.
  • Constructor: __init__() initializes objects.

7. File Handling

  • Read/Write: Open files, read/write data.
  • With: Automatic file closing using with.

8. Exception Handling

  • Try-Except: Handling errors, finally for cleanup.

9. Advanced Python

    • Libraries: Numpy (arrays), Pandas (dataframes), Matplotlib/Seaborn (visualization), EDA (data analysis).

Introduction to Databases and MySQL

1.1 Data and Databases

  • Data Types: Structured, semi-structured, unstructured data.
  • Databases: Organized collection of data in tables; benefits include efficient management, integrity, and centralized access.
  • RDBMS: Relational databases store data in tables with relationships (using keys); provide integrity, easy querying, and structure.

2. MySQL Commands and Data Types

2.1 DDL & DML Commands

  • Database & Table Management:
    • SHOW DATABASES, SHOW TABLES (list databases and tables).
  • Data Manipulation:
    • INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE to manage data in tables.
    • TRUNCATE TABLE (remove all rows).

2.2 Data Types and Constraints

  • Data Types: Numeric (INT, FLOAT), Date/Time (DATE, DATETIME), String (VARCHAR, TEXT).

3. Data Retrieval and Advanced Queries

3.1 Querying Data

  • SELECT: Retrieve data from tables, with WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, HAVING, DISTINCT clauses.
  • Joins: Combine data from multiple tables using INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, CROSS JOIN.
  • Aggregates: Functions like SUM(), COUNT(), MIN(), AVG().

3.2 Subqueries, Views & Window Functions

  • Subqueries: Nested queries within SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.
  • Views: Virtual tables for simplified complex queries (CREATE VIEW).
  • Window Functions: ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), DENSE_RANK() for ranking results.

4. Procedures, Triggers, and Data Control

4.1 Procedures and Triggers

  • Stored Procedures: Store reusable queries with input parameters (CREATE PROCEDURE).
  • Triggers: Automatically execute queries in response to data changes (CREATE TRIGGER).

4.2 Transaction Control & Data Security

  • TCL: Manage transactions with COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT.
  • DCL: Manage user access with GRANT and REVOKE.

5. Importing/Exporting Data

  • CSV Operations:
    • Import: LOAD DATA INFILE to load CSV data.
    • Export: SELECT INTO OUTFILE to export query results to CSV.
  • Descriptive Statistics
    • Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode)
    • Measures of Dispersion (Variance, Standard Deviation)
    • Data Distribution (Histograms, Boxplots)
  • Inferential Statistics
    • Probability Distributions (Normal, Binomial)
    • Hypothesis Testing (t-tests, chi-square tests)
    • Confidence Intervals
  • Regression Analysis
    • Linear Regression
    • Multiple Regression
    • Logistic Regression

1. Getting Started with Excel

  • Overview: Explore Excel’s capabilities.
  • Navigation: Key elements of spreadsheets and managing workbooks.

2. Data Entry & Manipulation

  • Data Entry: Efficient input of text, numbers, and formulas.
  • Editing: Modify content, undo/redo, and use Find & Replace.
  • Copy/Paste: Basic and advanced techniques.

3. Formatting for Clarity

  • Formatting: Adjust fonts, alignment, and cell styles.
  • Conditional Formatting: Highlight data based on rules.
  • Customizing: Personalize views and freeze panes.

4. Formulas & Calculations

  • Basic Operations: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
  • Formula Writing: Create simple formulas, apply BODMAS rules.

5. Advanced Data Manipulation

  • Fill & Flash Fill: Auto-fill patterns and data.
  • Logical Functions: Use IF statements and nested functions.

6. Working with Functions

  • Statistical Functions: SUMIF, COUNTIF, AVERAGEIF.
  • Text Functions: TRIM, PROPER, UPPER, LOWER.
  • Date/Time Functions: TODAY, NOW, DAY, MONTH, YEAR.
  • Lookup Functions: VLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH.

7. Sorting & Filtering

  • Sorting: Organize data alphabetically or numerically.
  • Filtering: Focus on specific data subsets.

8. PivotTables

  • Introduction: Use PivotTables for data summarization and analysis.

9. Data Visualization

    • Charts: Create and customize basic charts (column, pie, bar).
    • Customizing: Enhance charts with titles, labels, and legends.

1. Getting Started with Power BI

  • Overview: Key capabilities and applications.
  • Installation: Setting up Power BI Desktop.
  • Why Power BI?: Advantages over other BI tools.

2. Visualizing Data

  • Basic Charts: Column, pie, donut, funnel.
  • Maps: Visualize geographic data.
  • Tables: Formatting and conditional formatting.
  • Aggregation: SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX.

3. Expanding Visualizations

  • Additional Charts: Line, area, scatter, waterfall.
  • Cards & Filters: Add interactive cards and filters.
  • Slicers: Dynamic data filtering.

4. Enhancing Reports

  • Objects: Insert images, text, shapes, buttons.

5. Power BI Service & Exporting

  • Service: Microsoft account and sharing features.
  • Exporting: Export to PPT, PDF, PBIX.

6. Power Query & Data Transformation

    • Text, Date, Number Functions: Clean and format data.
    • Append & Merge: Combine and merge files.
    • Conditional Columns: Create columns based on conditions.
  • Project Planning
    • Defining Requirements and Scope
    • Data Collection and Preparation
  • Implementation
    • Data Analysis and Visualization
    • Generating Insights and Reporting
  • Presentation
    • Creating a Comprehensive Report
    • Presenting Findings to Stakeholders