Boffins Academy

401, Monarch Apartment

IT Park Road, Gayatri Nagar, Nagpur

+91 976 662 5814

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Mon - Sat: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM


SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a fundamental tool for managing and manipulating relational databases. It provides a standardized way to communicate with databases, enabling you to retrieve, insert, update, and delete data. Using SQL, you can create databases, design tables, and define relationships between them. 

The core of SQL is the SELECT statement, which allows you to extract specific data from one or multiple tables based on conditions and criteria. You can also sort, filter, and aggregate data using SQL functions. Learning SQL basics empowers you to perform essential data operations and gain insights from structured information. This foundational skill is pivotal for database management, data analysis, and software development.

best data science classes in Nagpur

What You Will Learn?

  • Basic Concepts of Advantages of DBMS.
  • Exploring Relational DBMS
  • E-R Modeling and Diagram
  • Normalization
  • Introduction to SQL
  • DDL and DML Statements
  • Working with Queries (DQL)
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Joins and Set Operations
  • Implementation of Data integrity
  • Working with Constraints
  • Implementing Views

Course Curriculum

  • What is Data, Field, Record and database?
  • Limitations of File Management System.
  • Basic Concepts of Advantages of DBMS.
  • Exploring Relational DBMS
  • Understanding Client and Server
  • Analyzing the Requirement
  • Identify Entities and their Relationships
  • Drawing E-R Diagram
  • Conversion of E.R. Diagrams into Tables
  • First Normal Form
  • Second Normal Form
  • Third Normal Form Practically Normalizing Tables
  • What is SQL Server Version history and different editions
  • Installation of SQL in Windows
  • Basic Features Components and Tools
  • Starting and Stopping SQL Server Instances / Services
  • Introduction to Management Studio
  • Types of System Databases in SQL
  • Basics of SQL Types of SQL Statements
  • DDL, DML, DQL, DCL and TCL
  • Create Database using Management Studio
  • Datatypes in SQL Server
  • Exploring DDL Statements on Table using Management Studio
  • Why write statements in Frontends?
  • Create, Alter and Drop Table Insert,
  • Update and Delete Statement Truncate Statement
  • Understanding Select Statement
  • Usage of Top, Distinct, Null etc…keywords
  • Using String and Arithmetic Expressions
  • Exploring Where Clause with Operators
  • Using Advanced Operators
  • Sorting data using Order By clause
  • Working with basic of Sub Queries
  • Using functions in Queries
  • Count, Sum, Min, Max, Avg Group By and Having Clause
  • Using Group By with Rollup and Cube
  • Introduction to Joins Cross Joins
  • Inner Join
  • Outer Join
  • Self Join
  • Co-related Sub Queries
  • Set Operations using Unions, Intersect and Except
  • Entity integrity
  • Domain integrity
  • Referential integrity
  • Types of constraints
  • Unique
  • Not NULL
  • Primary Key
  • Default Check Foreign Key
  • Introduction & Advantages of Views
  • Creating, Altering, Dropping Views
  • Advance Options while Creating a View
  • SQL Server Catalogue Views
  • Creating Users & Roles
  • Granting & Revoking of Roles & privileges
  • Managing using Management Studio
  • Introduction Clustered and Non Clustered Index
  • Creating and Dropping Indexes
  • What is T-SQL?
  • Scripts and Batches Declaring Variables
  • Using Statements
  • Working with Temp tables
  • Error Handling
  • Using System Functions / Global Variables Using Dynamic SQL
  • Introduction to stored procedures
  • Benefits of Stored Procedures
  • Creating, Executing Modifying, Dropping
  • Input–Output and Optional Parameters
  • System defined SP’s and Functions.
  • User defined Functions
  • Introduction to triggers
  • Constraints vs Triggers
  • Creating, Altering, Dropping triggers
  • for/after/instead of triggers
  • Using Rollback Tran
  • Creating Cursors
  • Cursors vs. Select
  • Types of cursors
  • Locks on cursors
  • Advantages of cursors
  • Introduction Transactions process
  • Types of transactions (Implicit, explicit)
  • Working with Locks, Types of locks
  • Resume Discussion